Encouraging ethical, excellent, and engaging work.
Founded by psychologists William Damon, Howard Gardner, and the late Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in 1996, The Good Project has two decades of experience carrying out qualitative research and developing practical materials with an emphasis on topics including the meaning of good work, effective collaboration, digital citizenship, and civic participation.
Presently, through research-based concepts, frameworks, and resources, The Good Project strives to equip individuals to reflect upon the ethical dilemmas that arise in everyday life by providing them with the tools to make thoughtful decisions.
We are a research initiative of Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

The Good Project’s Value Sort: Then and Now
Discover the past, present, and future of The Good Project. Click the button Below to watch a series of short videos
“Doing things in a new way is easy; we call this novelty. What’s challenging is to do things in a new way that eventually gets accepted by others; we call this creativity. What’s even more challenging is to do something in a new way that is ethical and advances the human condition; we call this “good work.””