Reflections on Project Zero Classroom 2023

Well, the 25th Project Zero Classroom (PZC) has come to an end! What is PZC? PZC is a week-long professional development conference for educators from around the world. At the conference, school leaders and teachers can learn about PZ tools and frameworks that can be implemented upon return to their schools and classrooms. 

What were some of The Good Project staff’s key take-aways from this year’s event? 

During Ron Ritchhart’s plenary, we used the fun “conversation dance” thinking routine to learn more about the ten Cultures of Thinking in Action mindsets, such as “we can’t teach dispositions, we must enculturate them” and “learning occurs at the point of challenge.” During the conversation dance each participant begins with one of the mindsets on a card and discusses one of the questions on the back of their card in relation to their mindset with a partner (e.g. “What’s your take?” or “What might it look like?”). After both partners share, the partners switch cards and discuss their mindsets with new partners. 

Later on Monday, our team members Lynn Barendsen, Danny Mucinskas, and Shelby Clark were able to share Good Project activities and research with PZC participants in a mini course entitled “Good Work: What It Is and How to Teach It.” During the session, participants explored their ideas of a good worker in small groups, noting the particular attributes they associate with these role models. Later, participants discussed whether and how these attributes merged with the Good Project framework of the three Es of good work: excellence, ethics, and engagement. This activity also serves as the first activity in our Good Project lesson plans

Liz Dawes-Duraisingh spoke in her plenary “Learning to Dialogue: Dialoguing to Learn” about the importance of intercultural dialogue, and, importantly, of giving students  specific tools to learn how to speak to one another. Her project’s “Dialogue Toolkit” gives students nine different ways that they can interact with each other’s comments in their online intercultural chatboard. For example, students are instructed to notice what stands out in another student’s post, or to make a connection between another student’s post and something in their own lives. Alternatively, students can name an aspect of their lives, identities, or contexts that influences how they see another student’s post. We’re excited to try out the dialogue toolkit in our Good Project teacher community of practice.

From Tina Grotzer’s “Educating for a Changing Climate: Helping Students to Live Sustainably and Equitably as Global Citizens” came the idea of “moral musical chairs.” In the activity, students are presented with an ethical dilemma; then, chairs are set up for each student, with each chair representing a different perspective a student could take on the dilemma. Music is played, and when the music stops students have to assume the perspective of the chair they are at and discuss the dilemma from this perspective. While Tina Grotzer applies this activity to numerous environmental dilemmas, our team is excited to try this out with many of the dilemmas located in our dilemma database

So much other great learning happened at the PZC this year, particularly in the small study groups where educators were able to gather after plenaries and mini course sessions in order to reflect and learn together. Just type in #pzc2023 into your social media platform of choice to see examples from this year’s PZC of different activities the study groups did together. One of our particular favorites was “Bumper cars mixed with red light, green light”.

The week ended with the PZC community reaffirming its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). In the closing plenary session, speakers addressed the importance of recognizing identity, inclusive of race, class, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and more, in confronting systemic oppression. At The Good Project, we will continue interrogating these issues as we collaborate with diverse educators and investigate our own positionality as researchers, with the goal of promoting human development for learners across many contexts and environments.

Managing Career Transitions: A New White Paper about a Course for Mid-Career Adults

by Danny Mucinskas

We live in an era of rapid change. Events of the past few years alone have demonstrated that for humanity to proceed with “business as usual” is not only unrealistic but is actually not possible. Climate change, new technologies (such as generative AI), and demographic shifts are set to touch all of our lives, even in the short-term. Economic, political, and social systems are being reshaped by necessity. While it can be easy to forget that we are living through exceptional times, our lives will be altered in concrete ways in the years and decades to come, including at work and in workplaces. According to the Future of Jobs Report 2023, 23% of jobs are expected to change in the next 4 years alone, which will require people to respond by changing roles and even career fields. Well-executed programs and frameworks that will help workers handle transitions in thoughtful ways will be in demand.

Against this backdrop, from 2020 to 2023, a team from Project Zero (PZ) at the Harvard Graduate School of Education developed a course to help working adults process and manage changes in their careers. Made possible by funding from the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM), which collaborated with the PZ team throughout the project, the course is titled “Navigating Changes Successfully at Work.” It brings together insights from both the Learning Innovations Laboratory, under the direction of Marga Biller, and from The Good Project, with contributions led by Danny Mucinskas and Howard Gardner. (See the previous two blog posts that have been written about this effort here and here.) The course has been piloted, refined, and offered iteratively with Singaporean mid-career adult learners thanks to SIM’s connections and partnerships, including with SIM employees, unemployed professionals, and a group of facilitators who have now been trained to teach the course independently.

Based on the activities of this project, PZ has released a new white paper that details the background, creation process, and content of the course, as well as the challenges encountered and possible future directions. The paper is intended for a wide audience, including scholars, learning designers, and policymakers who may be interested in this particular set of ideas and in general professional development opportunities for workers.

As the paper explains, the course is structured as a series of four 3-hour session meetings, during which participants are led through a series of discussion and reflection prompts about the meanings of two core frameworks developed in recent decades at PZ: Unlearning and Good Work. 

Regarding Unlearning, participants explore three different lenses that may uncover ways of thinking and doing that “get in the way” of adapting effectively to change. First, the course looks at Mindsets, or the sets of assumptions and patterns of thinking we have about the world and how it functions. Specifically, the course prompts learners to uncover their values (such as honesty or accomplishment); to map their various identities; and to consider how expertise may help or hinder transitions. Participants then think about how each of these may need to shift. Second, the course covers Habits by analyzing how habit cycles function as patterns of cues or triggers, regular routines, and rewards or goals, and how these cycles may need to shift when our goals change. Third, the final session reviews Systems, zooming out and asking learners to diagram their learning ecosystem and also diagnose their alignment or misalignment with the views and goals of others. 

Throughout the sessions, learners are furthermore asked to consider the relationship between the lenses of Unlearning and the 3 Es of Good Work: Engagement (a sense of connection or enjoyment to work), Excellence (quality, involved in work that is well-done or meets a certain standard), and Ethics (social responsibility related to concerns of right and wrong). Course participants think about their own personal manifestations of Good Work that align with these elements. At-home extension activities completed between sessions allow for application of the concepts to learners’ daily lives and work.

The following video, developed by the course team, provides an overview of how Unlearning and Good Work may be helpful in moments of workplace change and also may interact with one another.

Several learning design principles guided the structure, pace, and activities included in the course, namely:

  • Collaboration, to increase participant engagement and to ensure diverse perspectives are shared;

  • Learner-centric facilitation, focusing on participants’ personal experiences rather than knowledge of the instructor;

  • Relevance to relatable, real-life scenarios; and

  • Metacognitive evaluation, in which participants reflect on their learning over time.

Based on the Unlearning and Good Work frameworks from this course, a team at SIM is continuing to design new learning experiences, including a core skills program focused on outcomes like learning agility and self-management. Furthermore, the standalone course will continue to be offered to Singaporean mid-career learners via SIM’s partnership with e2i as well as via SIM’s usual public enrollment and corporate channels.

As we look ahead at the trajectory of this course and its potential to aid adult learners, we recognize that we live in a continuously changing world with concomitant workplace transitions.  The PZ team is therefore considering additional audiences who may benefit from the learning materials, including younger learners (e.g., college seniors) and new cohorts of adult workers (e.g., participants drawn from a single company or organization). Additionally, in order to ensure that the course has maximum impact and staying power, it is important for the ideas to be periodically reinforced. This goal may be realized through additional follow-up workshops or the establishment of a community of learners who continue to discuss their workplace transitions with one another beyond the conclusion of the formal course.

We welcome comments below and look forward to continuing to share updates about the direction of this work in future posts.

Discover the QUESTion Project

We would like to introduce our readers to the QUESTion Project!

Howard Gardner interviewed founder, Gerard Senehi, to get a sense of what this important project is all about. Their conversation below will give you an outline, but please read this paper (Education's Role in Shaping the Future) to learn more about the QUESTion Project’s view on the promise of whole child education and social-emotional learning.

What is your goal with this paper, who are you trying to reach, and what do you want them to take away?

I propose to prepare students in two ways: for their own future lives—and for becoming citizens who are engaged and care for the common good. I’m trying to reach educators, policy makers, and others who care about the future of education. I hope to heighten awareness of what is possible, outline the methods to achieve it, and make more room in education for this important work.

Why is this important?

We are failing to address the whole child, to strengthen the core of what makes us human. We are also failing to prepare our youth for a rapidly changing and unpredictable future, as well as some of the challenges they and society will experience. I want to convey urgency but also introduce new possibilities. I think it’s only by bringing light to concrete possibilities that we can expand our approach with students in thoughtful and healthy ways.

We must provide students with an outlet and method to make sense out of life. Otherwise, students can easily feel disconnected from themselves and from others—depressed, anxious, with a feeling that something is wrong while not having a way of knowing what that might be. The consequences of not having this support are evidenced in the current mental health crisis of our youth.

As for the broader society, we must create a space where students from all walks of life can see and experience this idea: we all are on a common human journey together, even as we each have our unique path. Otherwise, we will not overcome the false barriers that too often separate youth from one another and that they then carry into their adult lives. The result: a depressingly divided citizenry.

How have you addressed this in your own work in education?  

For a long time, I felt there was something fundamental missing in education. Twelve years ago (in 2011), my wife Francesca and I went on a quest to identify and tackle this missing piece. Our intention was to empower students’ authentic identity (or identities), their confidence in their agency to express and pursue who they are, and their identification of purpose in their lives and future. We wanted to go beyond teaching social-emotional skills and support students with the core of what makes us all human.

Over five years, we worked closely with many groups of students and teachers; we sought to identify some of the most important questions/topics about life and design the best ways to engage with them. In doing so, we co-created the QUESTion Project (a program of the nonprofit Open Future Institute). This is a semester/year-long daily class where high school students engage together with questions about who they are and how they can shape their lives with meaning and purpose. The class is delivered as a credit-bearing elective, advisory, or part of the health class. Teachers go through a training regimen that focuses on the understanding, methods, and dispositions that can engage students’ humanity and empower students’ agency on a shared learning journey.

Through this process, students define their identity as they explore their relationship to life. They are helped to take charge of their lives—not just considering what they are going to do, but also who they are going to be. They develop an ongoing relationship with purpose that can inform their lives and futures. And they do all this together, with vulnerability and openness, which allows them to express their own and experience each other’s humanity. When this approach works well, students break down fundamental barriers between them—barriers that otherwise are often carried into adulthood, further perpetuating divisions in society.

A recent study of the QUESTion Project found a significant impact on individual students. They also identified important implications for schools and society: a multi-faceted way to support student wellbeing, overcoming assumptions about others, and engaging with purpose as an individual and for social good.

As the implications of engaging students in this way go beyond our organization, we believe it’s important for us to share our discoveries and test our conclusions.

what are you calling into question, and what are the misunderstandings?

I believe that there is a fuller way to understand what it means to address the whole child and to support educators in doing so. In the paper accompanying this introductory note, I go into detail; I seek to convey how it’s possible to approach the core of what makes us human in very concrete ways, without reducing the approach to something narrow and losing the depth of what it means. This is part of the tremendous potential I see ahead.

I caution against the limitations of addressing only one or a set of social-emotional skills without engaging the underlying layers that define our humanity. I’m also concerned with certain approaches that address aspects of what makes us human—such as identity or purpose— in a way that, regrettably, can sometimes cause more harm than good.

An example: Suppose we reduce deeper elements of who we are, such as identity, to a set of labels or over-simplified ideas to which we “lead” students; this well-intentioned approach can inadvertently make students adopt static labels that limit the ongoing development and discovery of who they are and who they can become. We have to make room for students to embrace areas of life as profound as identity and purpose in a way that holds the depth and complexity of life; otherwise, whatever our laudable intentions, we do students a disservice.

Tell us a bit about your own background and what inspired you to create the QUESTion Project

My education at a first-rate college gave me great skills and knowledge, but it did not provided me with a way to find out who I was, and left me deeply confused about life, without a way to determine how to go forward.

When I became a teacher, the situation became clearer. What had been missing in my own education, particularly in high school, was something missing in the overall school system. Still, I had no idea how to address this lack, this gap, this uncertainty. Only two decades later did the pieces of the puzzle start to come together.

One day the president of my college wrote to all alumni/ae expressing his concern for the development of character and citizenry of his students and asking for advice. In response, I offered the nascent ideas for what is now the QUESTion Project. It took a few more years and the collaboration with my wife, our team, hundreds of students, and teachers for the QUESTion Project to take the full form it has now and that I describe in the accompanying paper.

What challenges do you anticipate and how can you resolve those?

I see two main challenges ahead. The first is for educators, funders, and policy makers to recognize the fundamental need for and importance of this work. There is of course accelerating recognition of the importance of SEL and character development, but that is not enough. We need to make a compelling case for going beyond supporting students with a set of knowledge, skills, or attitudes; we need to support the deeper elements that make us human. We need to implement this approach (or others in the same spirit) with theoretical rigor, demonstrable practices, and research, just as the world of education has been doing with respect to SEL.

The second challenge is anchoring this work during the school day. School leaders are naturally concerned (particularly in this post-COVID time) with shifting student learning time and teacher resources away from addressing learning loss, grades, and graduation. And, understandably, they sometimes see the time needed for programs like the QUESTion Project (a semester/year-long class) as something that competes with those objectives and, since it does not lead directly to higher SAT scores or admission to selective schools, as an extra that can be discarded.

However, after having worked with 18 public schools and 12,000 students for the last 7 years, we have an uplifting message to share. School principals tell us that the development of identity, agency and purpose in students not only contributes to the students’ wellbeing and mental health; our approach also supports their academic achievement, helps their college essays, and gives them a stronger foundation for college preparedness.

What do you most hope to achieve with your work, and how can others carry it on?

The purpose of this work is for students to have structured support and space to engage with some of the core aspects of what makes us human, to do it together with their peers, to have the opportunity to bring out the best in who they are and how they can contribute to others. I see an approach like this as foundational for the creation and maintenance of a thriving society.

Of course, I hope that the QUESTion Project will spread to schools broadly. I also see our work as an important piece to a larger puzzle and need—a new subject field in education that places students’ humanity at the heart of the learning process. Students need this kind of age-appropriate support at every stage of their learning journey. This need is much bigger than a single project like ours. To that end, I hope to bring light to insights that can be foundational to build a new subject field, a new discipline, a new theme and focus in education. My dream is that all teachers in the future will have access to training that includes the understanding, methods, and disposition that can best engage student’s humanity and empower their agency on a collective learning journey. My fondest hope is that the accompanying essay will contribute to that long-term aspiration.

As far as how others can carry it on, this will necessarily and properly continue to be a co-creative process. Neither I nor my close colleagues have all the answers! The best insights, decisions, and paths forward reveal themselves as we engage together and stretch our minds and hearts to consider what is truly going to best serve students and society. Envisioning what’s possible allows us to create innovative approaches and solutions these should enable our youth to engage with the deepest parts of themselves, develop the skills to fully embrace life and contribute to society, while holding room for the mystery and wonder of what life is all about.

How optimistic are you about the possibility you envision?

Every step we (and other organizations who focus on this work) have taken strengthens the foundation for what will be possible.

Some people tell me “The educational system is never going to change.” My sense is that the system won’t change…until it has to! And the way that it will have to change may only become clear when we realize that we have no other choice.

If we continue to fail to prepare students in a substantial way for their lives and future, we will continue to experience a mental health crisis. We will perpetuate barriers that stem from our inability to see our common humanity in our differences. And we will continue to be unprepared to respond to the needs of this moment in history…not to mention the challenges of an even more rapidly changing world.

On the other hand, at a time when the educational system fully supports students to develop their authentic identities, to take their lives into their own hands, and to pursue a life of purpose, we will be standing on completely different ground.

In the end, declaring that the current system will never change limits what is possible. Systems do change and that takes time; therefore, this work requires a long-term mindset. We need to lay the foundations for this change with as much integrity and foresight as we can and fervently strengthen and demonstrate a vision for what is possible, as others have done before us.

We advise our readers to look at Senehi’s paper, Education's Role in Shaping the Future, to learn more.

Remembering Bob Asher (1929-2023)

by Howard Gardner

Robert (Bob) Asher was a “good worker.” Indeed, he exemplified the three attributes of that praiseworthy descriptor. He was excellent at his work; he was completely engaged in his work; and he carried out his work in a moral and ethical way.

Robert Asher, left, receives the Herzl Award from Lester Crown (2008)

We came to know Bob because of his founding role in the Israel Academy of Arts and Sciences. Working with the incomparable Raffi Amram, Bob played a major role in launching the school, and he remained its steadfast supporter for several decades.

When one carries out educational research (as we have done for half a century), those who participate often express a polite interest in learning what was found. And almost always, that’s it.

Bob was totally different. When we approached him about studying IASA, he was extremely helpful, making the necessary introductions and connections. He followed the work throughout the course of our study. And once the study had been completed, he gently prodded us to share the results so he could help bring about changes and improvements in the school. Again, this has rarely happened on our watch.

Usually, a philanthropist, a founder, and one who follows through, are three different roles in education, but just as Bob Asher captures “the three E’s of good work,” he synthesized three crucial roles in education.

He will be missed. We hope that all in education, wherever they are, can learn from his inspiring example.

Ethics and American Colleges: A Troubled Saga—or Our Humpty Dumpty Problem

by Howard Gardner

Sometimes, you know something—or think that you know something—and then you confront the limits of your knowledge. Or, to put it less kindly, then you have an experience that reveals your ignorance.

As someone with some knowledge about the history of higher education in the United States, I knew that nearly all colleges had begun as religious institutions. I was also aware that in the last century or so, the religious mission had waned and that, indeed, the overwhelming majority of colleges and universities of which I’m aware are essentially, or primarily secular.

If you had asked me a decade ago for my views about this situation I would have been quite accepting. I am secular myself; Harvard, the school with which I have long been associated, shed its religious ties many years ago.

But as a result of a ten-year study of American higher education, carried out with my long-time colleague Wendy Fischman, I now think quite differently about this situation. I now believe that there’s a lot to be said in favor of colleges and universities that have a stated mission. Moreover, that mission might well be religious—though it could also have other aspirations, for example, training members of the military (West Point and Annapolis) or foregrounding certain demographies, such as historically Black institutions.

I’ve come to this conclusion because—to put it sharply—too many of our students do not understand the major reason(s) why we have non-vocational institutions of higher learning. Many students are inertial (“Well, after you finish high school, you go to college”) or transactional (“you go to college so that you can get a good job”). Of course, some institutions describe themselves as primarily vocational—whether that vocation is engineering, or pharmacy, or nursing—and that’s fine. Truth in advertising! But if you call yourself a liberal arts school or a general education school, you have taken on the obligation to survey a wide swathe of knowledge and expose students to many ways of thinking: in our terminology, to get students to explore and to be open to transformation of how they think of themselves and how they make sense of the world.

Of course, many viable missions are non-sectarian and worth making central to one’s education. For example, a school might organize itself around democracy/civics; or community service; or global understanding. Indeed, the recently launched London Interdisciplinary School is directed toward understanding and solving global problems while San Francisco-headquartered Minerva University seeks to expose students to global knowledge and experience.

Not so for most schools!

In the course of our research, Wendy Fischman and I have made a discovery—one related to the quickly-sketched history of higher education in this country. Our interviews with over 1000 students drawn from ten different schools revealed an ethical void: even when asked directly, most students do not recognize any experiences that they would consider ethical dilemmas. And accordingly, they give no indication of how they think about them, reflect on them, attempt to take concrete steps toward constructive solutions and resolutions. Accordingly, in our current work, we strive to make ethical understanding and decision making central in the experience of college students.

Back to my recently discovered area of ignorance:

I have long known, and admired from afar, Julie Reuben’s 1996 book The Making of the Modern University. Drawing particularly on documents from eight major American colleges/universities, this elegant historical study reviews the century of dramatic change in the teaching, curricula, and over-arching conception of higher education in the United States.

I can’t presume to capture the highlights of a 300-page book—one based on careful study of numerous academic and topical sources and documented in hundreds of footnotes. But I can assert that over the course of a century, after many attempts at compromise, most institutions of higher education in the United States became essentially secular; they dropped explicit religious study from their teaching and their curricula and at the same time dropped any explicit focus, on ethical issues in the school’s explicit (or even tacit) mission.

So at the risk of caricature, here ‘s the rough set of stages (no doubt, overlapping) through which America higher education passed:

  1. Most schools are religious in orientation, students take religious courses, the faculty and the president take on responsibility for religious “formation”: many students are training for the ministry; truth is seen as indissociable from the good. A concern with ethics is subsumed under the religious focus.

  2. American colleges are deeply affected by the examples of major universities in Europe: flagship American campuses add doctoral studies, professional degrees, technically trained faculty across the disciplinary terrain, but these institutions still seek to maintain a religious formative creed; accordingly Darwinian ideas are highly controversial.

  3. Curricula offer more choices; sciences play an ever-larger role (focus on method as well as findings)—Darwinian ideas are increasingly accepted; with increasing competition for outstanding faculty, the role of the president becomes less ethically-centered, less involved in curricula, more political, administrative, fund-raising.

  4. Explicitly religious courses and curricula wane (students also show less interest in these topics); there is tension between religious and intellectual orientations; efforts are made to foster ethical and moral conduct and behavior without explicit ties to specific religion(s); morality is seen as a secular, not just a religious preoccupation.

  5. Science is increasingly seen as value-free; educators look toward social sciences and humanities for the understanding of ethical and moral issues, and their inculcation (as appropriate) in students; morality is seen increasingly in behavioral rather than belief terms.

  6. The pursuit of the true, long a primary educational goal, is now separated—quite decisively—from the inculcation of a sense of beauty or of morality (the good)—and schools aspire to cultivate these latter virtues; these virtues can be acquired both in class and via extra-curricular activities (also via dormitory life); faculty are held accountable for their own ethical behavior.

  7. Faculty and curricula are no longer seen as primary vehicles for a sense of morality and ethics; accordingly, ethically-oriented curricula are either actively removed or simply wane from the offerings of secular schools.

  8. Behold—the modern, secular university.

All of this happens over—roughly—a century.

In this country, we are now left with a higher education system where ethics and morality are seen as “someone else’s concerns”. As well, we have students—and (as our study documents) other constituencies as well—whose ethical antennae are not stimulated, and may even have been allowed to atrophy.

Hence the Humpty-Dumpty challenge: can these values, these virtues, be re-integrated in our system of higher education?

Were we to live in a society where ethics and morality were well handled by religious and/or civic institutions, the situation ascribed to higher education would not be lamentable. Alas, that’s not the case! And while it is impractical and perhaps even wrong-headed to expect our colleges and universities to pick up all the slack, they certainly need to do their part.

And that includes us!

For helpful comments on an earlier draft, I think Shinri Furuzawa and Ellen Winner. For support of our current work, we thank the Kern Family Foundation.


Fischman, W., and Gardner, H. (2022). The Real World of college: What higher education is and what it can be. MIT Press.

Reuben, J. A. (1996) The Making of the Modern University: Intellectual transformation and the marginalization of morality. University of Chicago Press.