Introducing “The Professional Ethicist”

I am pleased to introduce “The Professional Ethicist.” In this blog, I (and others) will discuss vexed ethical issues that arise in the workplace and also in other sectors of society.

The name of the blog may appropriately raise a few eyebrows. I’ve selected it for two reasons: 1) the blog will largely address questions that arise in one or more professions, ranging from law and medicine to education and journalism; and 2) except for a few philosophers who write generally about ethics, most individuals are interested in the ethics of particular vocations or areas of focus. In the blog, we will deliberately cast our net widely, across the professional landscape and beyond. For the time being, with the help of Danny Mucinskas, I will host and curate the blog. But my aspiration is that others will also contribute; we’ll feature conversations and interactive forums; and this blog will become a “go-to” place for many who crave careful considerations of the most challenging issues that arise in work and life. We want the blog to become interactive in content and form; we plan to structure some blogs as dialogues between us and members of other organizations and seek a robust commentary from readers.
